Dr. Slump

Shell colorsCustom Dr. Slump case
Pet typeBasic
Release year1998

This particular toy is a tie-in to the anime Dr. Slump Arale-chan which ran from 1981-1986. The primary goal is to increase your “love level” meter with the pet until it is maxed out. It has a daily fortune teller function and a compatibility function that is meant to be used with friends, but this is not done via IR connectivity. Rather, when the pet is started for the first time, the player will answer a number of questions about their astrological data, and then this is compared to the friend’s data. There is also a gatcha machine that grants you items that can do different things. Throughout the day, events can happen that will make your pet unhappy if you don’t react correctly to them in time. You can play games, respond to events, and give the pet items to make them happy.

Tamasquare had translated instructions available on their website below:

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