Screen Monochrome Shell colors red, white, yellow, blue Manufacturer Unknown/various Pet type Basic Programming Dinkie Release year Unknown Yuki Penguin is another pet in the Dinkie Dino line that lets you raise a penguin. It will turn into different kinds of penguins depending on how you care for it, and includes temperature features and addition …
Category Archives: Various
Riku Riku Chan/Smarty Time
Screen Monochrome Shell colors blue Manufacturer Unknown/various Pet type Basic Programming Dinkie Release year Unknown Riku Riku Chan is a vpet in the Dinkie Dino line that lets you raise a little human boy. Gameplay is mostly focused on educating the pet and making sure he remains happy and responsible. It even has an art …
Dinkie Dino/Raku Raku Dino Kun
Screen Monochrome Shell colors Red, blue, white, yellow,green, green translucent Manufacturer Unknown/various Pet type Basic Programming Dinkie Release year Unknown In the US, these seem to have been distributed by a company called Innotronics, but I cannot find out who distributed them in Japan. They are dinosaur pets that are notable for having weather and …