
Screen Monochrome Shell colors Teal, yellow, purple, red Manufacturer Unknown Pet type Basic Programming Gyaoppi Release year Unknown As the name suggests, this one is a Penguin pet. Penguin-Keeper on Tamatalk has run this one here: It has separate meters for each of the food and drinks, but the happiness indicator is shown in …


Screen Monochrome Shell colors white, red, pink, blue, purple Manufacturer Unknown Pet type Basic Programming Dinkie Release year Unknown Hitorikkos are vpets that are known to be very good, and came in dog, dino, chicken, and fish flavors. They also had a 3-in-1 version. Not only that, but they’re usually still readily available secondhand for …

Goji Rapper

Screen Monochrome Shell colors White, blue, green, translucent orange, translucent blue, clear Manufacturer Unknown Pet type Basic Programming Gyaoppi Release year Unknown This is a dinosaur pet that runs on Gyaoppi-like programming, but it’s difficult to find much info on it online. Here’s a review from someone who’s run one: