Goji Rapper

Screen Monochrome Shell colors White, blue, green, translucent orange, translucent blue, clear Manufacturer Unknown Pet type Basic Programming Gyaoppi Release year Unknown This is a dinosaur pet that runs on Gyaoppi-like programming, but it’s difficult to find much info on it online. Here’s a review from someone who’s run one: https://robofinch.wordpress.com/2015/08/14/goji-rapper/

Yuki Penguin

Screen Monochrome Shell colors red, white, yellow, blue Manufacturer Unknown/various Pet type Basic Programming Dinkie Release year Unknown Yuki Penguin is another pet in the Dinkie Dino line that lets you raise a penguin. It will turn into different kinds of penguins depending on how you care for it, and includes temperature features and addition …

Riku Riku Chan/Smarty Time

Screen Monochrome Shell colors blue Manufacturer Unknown/various Pet type Basic Programming Dinkie Release year Unknown Riku Riku Chan is a vpet in the Dinkie Dino line that lets you raise a little human boy. Gameplay is mostly focused on educating the pet and making sure he remains happy and responsible. It even has an art …

Dinkie Dino/Raku Raku Dino Kun

Screen Monochrome Shell colors Red, blue, white, yellow,green, green translucent Manufacturer Unknown/various Pet type Basic Programming Dinkie Release year Unknown In the US, these seem to have been distributed by a company called Innotronics, but I cannot find out who distributed them in Japan. They are dinosaur pets that are notable for having weather and …

Puppy Micropet

Screen Monochrome Shell colors white Manufacturer Cool Tech Pet type Basic Programming Custom Release year Unknown VirtualPet.com has a guide for this one here: Puppy Micropet. I have also seen this branded as “MicroPet” from Bluetech, and the instructions seem to reference that branding regardless of which version you get, so I’m assuming it was …

UFO Wave

Screen Monochrome Shell colors white, blue, pink, silver, Men In Black Manufacturer Bandai Pet type Basic Programming Custom Release year 1997 This particular pet is designed to pick up radio waves in the air and translate them into characters or messages on the device (though they probably don’t have anything to do with the original …