The Oddpets Database

A catalogue of non-Bandai pets and other oddities

ScreenColor, back-lit
Shell colorsPink, blue, purple, mint
Pet typePedometer
Release yearUnknown

This one is a pedometer pet. Based on an anime about a girl who loves her favorite pencil so much that it gives birth to a “cocotama”. I don’t get it either, but the creatures look like the hamsters from HamHamtaro (now there would be a great idea for a virtual pet! Why haven’t they done that?) The case comes with a clip that you can put on your belt or backpack.

It’s only in Japanese, unfortunately, and does feature a lot of text. You’ll get to chose which pet you’d like to raise when you start it up (Luckytama or Melory), and then afterwards you can name them. There’s a menu with nine icons. Here are their functions from top left to bottom right:

  1. House – has different rooms for you to visit. These will unlock as you go along
  2. Steps
  3. Games – Six total, but only one will be unlocked by default. This is the Piano game, which acts like Simon Says.
  4. Settings

Top left button shows date/time. On the main screen, the pet’s level shows in a heart in upper left-hand corner, while the number on the right is the number of steps you’ve taken.




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