Screen Monochrome Shell colors green, translucent green, pink, blue Manufacturer Yujin Pet type Basic Programming Custom Release year 1997 From what I have read, the gameplay on this one is different and not everyone likes it. There’s an old site called TamaSquare that isn’t around anymore, but it had instructions that I’ve archived using the …
Tag Archives: monochrome
These remind me of the Cube World toys, or Mattel’s Woogies–it’s a brother to a sister line (Littlest Pet Shop), it’s focused on gross behavior, and has very limited functionality compared to the girls’ version. They are able to physically connect with each other via the contacts on the sides of the toys, and they …
Littlest Pet Shop
There were quite a few of these released, and several versions with different functionality. Overall, they are less pet-like than other vpets, focusing more on games or collecting things. One iteration, for example, features several pets that have escaped from the pet shop, and you must find them and send them back to their homes. …
I don’t know anything about who manufactured these, so I don’t have a company name to put them under. That said, they’re known to be very good vpets and there are several different versions, forming something of a family of pets with similar programming and features. I currently have the 9-in-1 Super Gyaoppi, though I …
Goji Rapper
Screen Monochrome Shell colors White, blue, green, translucent orange, translucent blue, clear Manufacturer Unknown Pet type Basic Programming Gyaoppi Release year Unknown This is a dinosaur pet that runs on Gyaoppi-like programming, but it’s difficult to find much info on it online. Here’s a review from someone who’s run one:
Power Palz
These were also known as “Ani-bip” in some places, there are several iterations of these, so you’ll often see “Ani-bip 2,” “Ani-bip 3,” and “Ani-bip 4.” There are a number of different animals, all in separate toys, and in order to marry and have a baby, they needed to connect with another anipal. The one …
Screen Monochrome Shell colors white, pink, gold, blue; with different icons for each animal Manufacturer Gamze Pet type Basic Programming Custom Release year Unknown I have seen a dog, cat, frog, and a penguin in this line so far. They’re fairly rare and go for a lot, but they seem to have very nice animations …
Arukundesu/Dragon Quest Slimes
Screen Monochrome Shell colors blue, orange, clear, blue/silver, translucent green, translucent purple, translucent yellow/black, white/blue, translucent blue, translucent teal, translucent black, silver/black Manufacturer Enix Pet type Pedometer Programming Custom Release year 1998 These are a pedometer pet that come with a map that the slime will travel through as you walk. How cool is that? …
Yuki Penguin
Screen Monochrome Shell colors red, white, yellow, blue Manufacturer Unknown/various Pet type Basic Programming Dinkie Release year Unknown Yuki Penguin is another pet in the Dinkie Dino line that lets you raise a penguin. It will turn into different kinds of penguins depending on how you care for it, and includes temperature features and addition …
Riku Riku Chan/Smarty Time
Screen Monochrome Shell colors blue Manufacturer Unknown/various Pet type Basic Programming Dinkie Release year Unknown Riku Riku Chan is a vpet in the Dinkie Dino line that lets you raise a little human boy. Gameplay is mostly focused on educating the pet and making sure he remains happy and responsible. It even has an art …